How much will it cost?

​Please refer to the Registration Link for detailed information regarding our pricing for the upcoming season. The prices may fluctuate from year to year based on our facility use charges and cost of uniforms.

What are the team sizes?

Depending on the needs of the football program, squads can range from 7-18 cheerleaders. Final squad numbers will depend on registrations and the number of football teams per grade level. 
Please refer to the Football and Cheer Team Policies for additional details, which can be found in the Important Documents section of our website.

What are the player eligibility requirements?

All eligibility requirements are subject to the rules, restrictions, and guidelines of our parent organization that the NYSA is partnered with. All children that attend a school in the Northwest Independent School District (NISD) that meet all other NYSA boundary requirements are eligible. As a general rule, any school that feeds into Northwest HS or Eaton HS will be within the NYSA boundaries.  

The NYSA is a "grade pure" association for it's football programs, but has the flexibility for allowing cheerleading squads to vary in grades based on the needs of each team and squad. 

Basic eligibility is determined based upon the cheerleaders age and grade as of September 1 of the playing year. (Please see the grid below for reference.)

Division Player Age Limitation
K/1st Grade Players aged 5 and 6 or before September 1st, may participate in this division but cannot have reached the age of 8 by September 1.
2nd Grade Players cannot have reached the age of 9 by September 1.
3rd Grade Players cannot have reached the age of 10 by September 1.
4th Grade Players cannot have reached the age of 11 by September 1.
5th Grade Players cannot have reached the age of 12 by September 1.
6th Grade Players cannot have reached the age of 13 by September 1.